中文 |
英文 |
學校行銷 |
school marketing |
教育市場化 |
marketization |
賦權增能 |
empowerment |
核心能力 |
core competency |
關鍵能力 |
key competency |
學習型組織 |
learning organization |
全人教育 |
holistic education |
團隊學習 |
team learning |
合作學習 |
cooperative learning |
多元智慧 |
multiple intelligences |
學校選擇權 |
school choice |
三E(卓越、效率、公平) |
excellent efficiency equity |
學校氣氛 |
school climate |
積極差別待遇 |
positive discrimination |
高峰經驗 |
peak experience |
標竿學習 |
bench marking |
楷模學習 |
example learning |
全球化 |
globalization |
全球在地化 |
glocalization |
願景領導 |
visionary leadership |
互易領導 |
transactional leadership |
轉型領導 |
transformational leadership |
第五級領導 |
level 5 leadership |
道德領導 |
moral leadership |
知識領導 |
knowledge leadership |
藍海策略 |
blue ocean strategy |
校務評鑑 |
school evaluation |
校長評鑑 |
principal evaluation |
友善校園 |
friendly campus |
後設評鑑 |
meta-evaluation |
創造力教育 |
creative education |
360度回饋 |
360-degree feedback |
人權教育 |
human rights education |
文化不利 |
culturally disadvantaged |
社會不利 |
socially disadvantaged |
教育不利 |
educationally disadvantaged |
多元文化教育 |
multicultural education |
教師專業學習社群 |
Teacher Profession Learning Community |
教導型組織 |
teaching organization |
次文化 |
subculture |
價值澄清法 |
value clarification |
價值觀 |
value system |
個別差異 |
individual diffirence |
教育機會均等 |
equality of educational opportunity |
教育效益均等 |
equality of educational outcomes |
教學效能 |
teaching effectiveness |
形成性評量 |
formative evaluation |
總結性評量 |
summative evaluation |
班級經營 |
classroom management |
漣漪效應 |
ripple effect |
正向心理學 |
positive psychology |
教育力 |
educational force (Sergiovanni) |
浮流理論 |
flow theory |
浮流經驗 |
flow experience |
巴爾幹文化 |
Balkanized culture |
評鑑主流化 |
evaluation mainstreaming |
核心價值 |
core value |
走動管理 |
management by walking around |
衝突管理 |
conflict management |
課程領導 |
curriculum leadership |
課程慎思 |
curriculum deliberation |
潛在課程 |
hidden curriculum |
正向管教 |
positive discipline |
教學領導 |
instructional leadership |
後現代主義 |
post modernism |
分享式領導 |
shared leadership |
學校本位管理 |
school-based management |
教師領導 |
teacher leadership |
人力能量 |
human capacity |
分佈式領導 |
distributed leadership |
比馬龍效應 |
Pygmalion effect |
優質學校 |
quality school |
同僚模式 |
collegial model |
理念學校 |
ideal-driven school |
領導實踐 |
leadership practices |
關鍵績效指標 |
key performance indicator |
品格教育 |
character education |
國際教育 |
international education |
Programme International Student Assessment |
績效管理 |
performance management |
精緻教育 |
betterness education |
終身學習 |
life-lone learning |
全球教育 |
global education |
人本主義心理學 |
humanistic psychology |
行為主義 |
behaviorism |
另類學校 |
alternative school |
人力資源管理 |
Human Resource Management |
顧客關係管理 |
Customer Relation Management |
學校效能 |
school effectiveness |
社會流動 |
social mobility |